Sunday, January 30, 2011

30: Beatitude


I actually got this from the priest during mass. It was part of his homily. He said that Jesus/God did'nt just "create" the Beatitudes for us to see or read in the bible and learn about from catechists or nuns or priests. They were created for us to follow and as he have said, make the Beatitudes your Attitude therefore Beatitude = Be Attitude. It was a simple wordplay with but it had a great impact and it means a lot more than it actually is right now (for me that is). That's why I want to share this with you today. c:

By the way, the picture is really (supposed to be) a clean, not crumpled blank sheet of paper. It didn't look quite right during the post-processing and so I used a crumpled texture I got from DA to make it look better (plus the ocean colors overlay too). c: I think this is my simplest entry yet. I have a kind of mix feelings with this photo. I want to trash it and not trash it. The photo is simple yet the words mean so much. Hmmm.. Any thoughts? Comment or email me.

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