Saturday, February 5, 2011

36: Prologue

Hi there! How are you? I hope you're doing great! It's already the month of February, the month of love and hearts.
What are your plans for the 14th? Hook me up! 
Anyway, in lieu with this month's theme, the rest of the photos to be submitted for this month  
would all be about love and other matters of the heart.
Aside from that, I won't be posting everyday anymore. I'd probably be posting at least
twice or thrice a week from now on. This is just a temporary thing though.
I still plan to submit up to 365 pictures, as promised.

By the way, here are some details about the photo. This photo was taken sometime in the evening.
The idea came to me when I was out for a walk with one of my dogs one night and I  noticed that the flowers
we have here at home have a certain other charm to them at this time of the day. Enchanting, really.
And so that's why I tried it out and this photo is one of the good ones I got.

As for the title, it goes with the idea that this post will be the springboard to the other photos I will be submitting 
in lieu with this month's theme which is love and other matters of the heart. And no texts because the photo can
speak for itself. It's a rose, a symbol of love. And it's still a bud, just about to come out in full bloom.
As the saying goes: "the rose speaks of love silently, in a language known only to the heart". 

It really is very appropriate as the prologue for the next coming posts.

Also, I am open to requests. Send me a quote or an idea and I shall try my best to take the perfect photo
that would go along with it. Remember, this month's theme is love and other matters of the heart.
Email me here.

So, that's it. Till next time!

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